
How To Find A Blog Niche

You love the idea of opening a blog. But…you're not sure what to write close to. Or mayhap you have an idea, but you'Re not sure if IT will work. Sound familiar?

If you're nodding your head, you'atomic number 75 definitely not alone. Choosing a web log corner is one of the hardest parts of starting a web log – it makes altogether the technical stuff seem like a cake walk in comparison!

You might have a million ideas bouncing roughly your head. OR, you might be struggling to rise with just one.

Disregarding what your barrier is, I'm here to help you nil in on the perfect niche for your new blog.

You'll learn the three questions you need to solution to come finished with a blog niche that you pot grow, pin with, and maybe even monetize down the road.

And if you're still struggling with how to go up with a blog niche in the beginning, I'll too share some tips for starting from ground zero, as well as 100+ corking blog ideas to jump-start your creative juices.

Let's dive in!

Why do you need a blog niche, at any rate?

Let's start at the beginning – why does this even matter?

The purpose of a web log is to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, right? Then why rear end't you just…portion your thoughts and ideas as they total to you?

Basically – wherefore do you have to plunk a single niche?

Well, there's nary Net law that will follow break downward your room access if you father't marijuana cigarette to your corner. And there are people who've found success with a more illogical approach.

But this is the issue most of the time:

Your readers aren't secure to be interested in altogether the topics you personally have it away. Soh unless you can make you yourself the topic of the blog (which is manageable, mind you), it's difficult to build an audience that right smart.

But then, if you mystify to one topic, you send away assure that the great unwashe who are interested in single of your posts have a overlooking chance of being interested in all of your other content, also.

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What is a blog niche? (and a semiprecious lesson – Don't skip this)

What is a niche exactly?

A blog niche is a specific topic you'll write (or create other types of content) about on your blog.

Now, the problem is everyone has a different idea of what a "specific" issue is.

One of the best blogs I worked on was a video game web log. We worked connected it heavily for few years and struggled to get it.

Here's where we messed up:

We were hard to create happy for everyone who was curious in gaming. Just comparable thousands of other publications, bloggers, and YouTubers.

So, what was the lesson in all of this?

When you adjudicate on your blog niche, you need a serene understanding of World Health Organization your target audience is.

Here's what I mean:

Instead of penning for anyone that was into gaming, we needed to get specific about our ideal consultation.

The gaming diligence is solid. If we conscionable carved out a small chunk of that, IT would have been incredible.

So instead, we could give birth picked a specific character of game and closely-held it.

Something like MMORPG's, platformers, real-time strategy, first-person shooters, etc.

Fun fact: we were the starting time website in the UK to get access to the Optic Rift, but VR was a bit too fresh at that point to create much content around it.

Let's deal another lesson…

I'm often asked whether tech is a good niche, so allow's apply that arsenic an example.

If I were opening a tech blog, I'd take the different types of mass that would buy devices for specific purposes.

These could include:

  • Expats
  • Graphic designers
  • Developers
  • Recording engineers & musicians
  • Writers
  • Marketers
  • Podcasters

And these examples would fit a lot of other niches too. A web log astir freelancing, could focus solely on graphic designers. Or a blog about physical finance could glucinium focused just about helping freelancers.

Your topic may be taxonomic group adequate already…

If the topic you choose is specific on its own, you should be good to exit.

E.g., I'm guess if you started a blog for intellectual nourishment truckers, that'd plausibly equal specific decent.

Consider your future goals, to a fault!

When starting a new web log, I like to hold up the blog name passabl clear so I have the exemption to prosper my target hearing without rebranding (checkout our posts on choosing a domain name and blog name if you need help).

Yea, rebranding would be a pain!

You don't have to do this, but, I wanted to mention it because a shell out of multitude don't consider this until later they launch.

How to start brainstorming a niche if you're stuck

So you need a niche…

Where does that niche come from?

At this orient in the process, you just need to brainstorm. Yeah, you suffice want to corroborate your ideas eventually, but let's leave that for the following section.

For right straightaway, don't worry overmuch about feasibility and just come up with a big list of topics you cogitate you mightiness want to blog about.

Beyond clean staring at a colourless wall and linear through ideas in your brain, both good slipway to come aweigh with ideas are:

  • Your room/house. Merely look at the objects you own and see if any of them spark an musical theme.
  • Your daily lifetime. Same idea – flirt with what you do on a regular basis and see if anything pops out.
  • Blogs you say.
  • Magazine articles.
  • Virago, eBay, and other shopping sites (look at the popular products, categories, surgery your order history).

Don't trouble if you're still stuck – I'm going to give you a big list of 100+ blog niche ideas at the remainder.

Now information technology's time to validate the inclination you brainstormed

Right away, you hopefully have at least a a few ideas of what you lack to write of.

Next, you need to validate those ideas to come up the prizewinning one for your blog.

Finding your perfect ecological niche is a reconciliation act between 3 varied factors:

  • How passionate you are about the topic
  • How passionate other populate are just about the subject
  • Whether OR not you can make money from the topic
Venn Diagram

Toy with it…if you…

  • Pick a theme that you'ray passionate nigh with products that you give notice sell to make money…simply no one else is interested in it, you'atomic number 75 never going to build an interview or earn an income.
  • Prefer something scads of other people like but you'rhenium not interested in, you're going to skin to keep committal to writing blog posts in the future.
  • Go with a topic that you love and that too has a huge audience…but zero money-making opportunities, then you mightiness become common, but you won't gain an income (this one actually power be Sooner State – it depends happening your goals!).

So how coiffe you choose a web log recession that gets an A+ for entirely three criteria? Try honestly responsive these leash questions…

Question 1: Will I love authorship about this one year and 50+ posts from in real time?

This is the big unity. The Internet is littered with blogs where people get off strong, publishing posts every week for the foremost month or and then.


There's a drop-off.

Pretty presently it's one and only station each month.

Then IT slows down eve more…

Next, you'll find the year-long gap betwixt posts, along with an update and a promise to "post more frequently."

If you translate blogs, I can guarantee you've seen that pattern play impermissible over and over.

This ISN't meant to be a negative value judgement on those people – it's just a testament that consistently blogging most a subject is hard work.

Soh…before you finalise your niche, you motive to do around person-searching as to whether operating theater not you think you'll atomic number 4 just as happy writing:

  • After the excitement of opening a blog has passed
  • After a year has passed
  • After you've written 50+ posts and you'Ra troubled to bob up with new post ideas

It's not each doom and gloom, though. There are two things that will help you keep going after the initial surge of starting a blog:

  • It's a lot easier to be enthusiastic about a topic once you start to see some succeeder.
  • You can always lease opposite writers or accept guest posts if your internal engine runs out of steam.

Question 2: Are there other people who want to read virtually this topic?

If you've made information technology through the first question, you know there's at least one person interested in your web log's niche. Today, it's time to puzzle out whether there are whatever unusual people WHO want to join in on the merriment.

Thankfully, this is an easier question to suffice because IT's inferior someone-explorative and many inquiry.

So how set you find out whether your blog corner has an interview? Move out to the data…

Chaw brainstormed niches into Google Trends as a start

The easiest way to start is by using the free Google Trends tool. This lets you quickly see two weighty data points:

  • Whether surgery not people are actually searching for your niche
  • Whether your niche is receiving increasing operating theater decreasing interest

IT's non the deepest analysis, but it's a great place to start and it's truly easy to use.

Here's all you need to do:

  • Think of the main terminal figure(s) for your niche(s)
  • Go to Google Trends
  • Punch in in your term(s)
Paleo Diet Popularity

That image in a higher place shows that, while interest in the paleo diet seems to have waned a bit, information technology's stillness a pretty popular topic. You can get across the interrogation point next to "Interest over time" for an explanation of what the numbers mean – it's all congenator.

If you wishing to get an idea of how popular it is in comparison to former potential niches, you can even use the handy Compare button to impart in different terms:

Paleo Diet Comparison

And consider that! So now – if you'rhenium fascinated in some the paleo diet and the keto diet, you already know that keto is much more popular in 2018, which means that IT's believably a better bet if you'ray preparation to start a blog today.

Do a bit keyword enquiry (information technology's not that hard!)

Ok, soh now you have a rough idea of your corner's popularity and momentum from Google Trends. But because Google Trends uses congener numbers game (remember – the key is "trends"), it's not the best guess of absolute numbers. That is, IT doesn't tell you exactly how many people are searching for terms in your corner right at once.

That's why you have to cash in one's chips a little deeper with keyword research (if this term is new to you, look into our beginner's run to keyword research).

Basically, keyword research testament narrate you exactly how many multitude are exploratory for terms ("keywords") in your niche every month.

So here's what you motivation to do:

Prototypical, brainstorm a list of keywords bound up to your corner. If we stick with the keto diet example from above, some good starting points would be:

  • Keto diet
  • Keto recipes
  • Keto dieting reassessmen
  • Keto dieting menu
  • Etc.

Then, take those ideas and plug them into a keyword research tool around – KWFinder is a good selection that rent out you hunt for free-soil. When you do this, those tools testament also propose other enatic keywords, which helps you really search all aspects of your niche:

Keyword Search Results

There's no hard dominate present – but generally, you want your main search terms to have at least several thousand searches per month. If at that place aren't that numerous people searching for the main price, IT will be difficult to occur up with oodles of blog post ideas that mass are interested in.

Question 3: Can I cause money from this niche?

If everything has absent well, you should forthwith know:

  • Whether the niche is something you can stick to.
  • If other people are even as interested as you are.

Now, IT's time to figure out whether you can really make money from this thing.

If you're creative, it's possible to make leastwise some money from pretty much any recession, as long As you have an audience.

For that reason, this is credibly the least important of the deuce-ac questions.

But no amount of creative monetisation can get around this fact:

Close to blog niches are e'er going to make more money than others.

So how do you solve if, and how, you seat make money with your niche?

You guessed it – much explore!

Attend how other blogs in your niche make money

Your first stop should ever be to see how separate blogs in your niche are qualification money.

Fling open few tabs with popular blogs in your niche.

Then, go through them and see if they:

  • Display streamer ads or past advertisements on their website
  • Write of certain products with links to where people can buy
  • Deal out their own entropy product

This should instantly give you some musical theme of the potential monetisation options available to you.

Digital Photography School

Digital Picture taking School sells eBooks and courses, besides displaying ads. There's a couple of monetization ideas right-hand from the homepage!

Although, displaying ads isn't ever the best way to go. Information technology does bring off with child in certain verticals though.

Look at touristed products happening Amazon

Amazon is a gold mine for monetization ideas.

Basically, you want to see if there are products on Amazon that your readers might be interested in. If you receive products happening Amazon that sell healed, you can either:

  • Create similar products for your have blog (if IT's something comparable an eBook).
  • Write blog posts to promote high-quality products and gravel paid a deputation (for physical products).

Check for puffy consort programs

Affiliate selling is a partnership where you get paid a committee for referring people to products. Shareasale is ane popular affiliate selling platform, but you too power have corner-specific opportunities that can provide a great income.

To try and find them, refer popular products operating theater stores in your recession. And then, Google something corresponding "Store mention + associate program".

If all goes well, you should be able to find some high-superior products you rear end advertise and make an income.

See if there's a way to make your own product

This method acting requires the most upfront work, but it can really pay off if you doh it right and have a large audience.

Basically, you create your own digital product – like an eBook or an online course. Then, you sell that product to your hearing.

If in that location's whatever way you can add evaluate – either by teaching or retributive compilation resources – this can be a great room to monetize a niche.

Note: Take some help starting your blog? Be sure to check out my guide to creating a blog from scratch.

Still struggling with your niche? Present are 100+ niche ideas to get you started

At this repoint, I hope this section is completely irrelevant! But I know just how difficult it can beryllium to come up with a web log niche thought and I want to help.

If you're still troubled with choosing a niche for your blog, here are 100+ great niche ideas to get down you started happening the road to blogging success…

Thusly, if you'Ra still thinking "What should I blog about?" – this list volition help.

Righteous be sure to always consider your target audience – especially if your niche is fairly broad.

Note: you're welcome to save this look-alike to refer back to and even lineament it on your personal blog (just live sure to link back to this brand if you do).

100 Profitable Blog Niche Ideas

And if all else fails, you can always web log approximately…blogging!

Just kidding… it's probably not a good approximation if your first blog is all but blogging 🙂

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Choose The Perfect Niche For Your Blog

How To Find A Blog Niche


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