
Mozilla Gets to Work on Enterprise Firefox Support

Mozilla's new fast release agenda may help the best new Firefox features gravel market faster, but information technology's likewise caused no small amount of consternation among business users of the open rootage browser. This calendar week, Mozilla took a big step in hard to address that gap.


The outcry arose, course, when it became clear that the release of Firefox 5 last month meant an end to official support for Firefox 4, whose have record-setting launch had only antimonopoly taken place not long before.

Some endeavor users–represented particularly by a vocal few–were discontent due to the evaluation procedures necessary within their companies to evaluate and test each bran-new release. Mozilla, meanwhile, was on the face of it surprised by the vehemence of the response from a chemical group it had never taken particularly seriously.

A week after Firefox 5's release the labor responded with a blog post pledging better support for business users in the future, and this week IT made good on those words by setting astir the Mozilla Enterprise Drug user Working party.

'A Invest to Ask Questions'

"Mozilla is fundamentally around people and we care about our users wherever they are," wrote Stormy Peters, head of developer engagement, in a Tuesday post on the Mozilla Blog.

"To this end, we are ray-establishing a Mozilla Enterprise Drug user Working party as a place for enterprise developers, IT staff and Firefox developers to discuss the challenges, ideas and best practices for deploying Firefox in the enterprise," Peters added. "It will make up a place to ask questions and grow information about Mozilla plans."

The new group will explore key issues on a discourse list and personally atomic number 3 well as during monthly phone meetings, each of which will focus on a particular topic, Peters noted.

"In the past we've discussed topics like add-on direction and security," she explained. "The next meeting we nurse will discuss the bring out cycle and how enterprises can practice Firefox in some respects that fits into their personal testing and bring out cycles."

Discussions will save participants' privacy so Eastern Samoa "to facilitate ajar discussion of primo practices and issues companies are facing," Peters added. Summaries of those discussions, however, will be made common.

An Encouraging Developing

Google's Chromium-plate browser, of course, is on a likewise rapid release schedule, stellar much than a few critics of Firefox's new timetable to suggest that Internet Explorer is now the Charles Herbert Best option for enterprises. Surrendered that browser's track record on security and many other problems, nevertheless, I can't agree.

Rather, Mozilla's latest go is an encouraging development for any company wrestling with the new pace of web browser releases. Now, there's an established place to keep up-to-date and have your say. Solutions won't be outlying behind.


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